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Criminal Defense

Domestic Violence Trends Within California College Communities

Close relationships between two people encounter challenges and obstacles from time to time. Arguments between you and your dating partner are a natural part of the relationship, and it may take time to sort through a disagreement with a loved one. However, some disputes can escalate beyond a verbal disagreement—an argument can turn physical or prompt one person to make a threat or inflict harm on the other person. Under California law, physical disputes between people who are in or have previously had a dating relationship constitute domestic violence. When we hear the term domestic violence, most of us picture one spouse (usually a large, aggressive male) physically harming their spouse (typically a smaller female partner).

While incidents of domestic violence often include two parties with these characteristics, it’s essential to understand that domestic violence can happen to anyone. Moreover, domestic violence can happen in same-sex relationships, and a female partner can abuse a male partner. Although domestic violence often happens in adult relationships, domestic violence also occurs in teen dating relationships and across college campuses. In recent years, advocacy groups have expanded their efforts to increase public awareness about the prevalence of domestic violence within college campus communities. Unfortunately, false or exaggerated accusations of domestic violence can occur at any time and for any reason. If you are facing allegations or accusations of domestic violence in Los Angeles County, you need reliable and effective legal defense attorney services as soon as possible to keep your future bright. This post will explore some common domestic violence issues in California colleges and universities as well as some key steps you should take if someone accuses you of domestic violence.

Recognizing Domestic Violence in College Students

Since acts of domestic violence tend to occur in private or behind closed doors, it can be challenging to gather sufficient data that captures the prevalence of domestic abuse on college campuses. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) has surveyed college students across the country to compile some data about domestic violence on college campuses. According to their findings, 43 percent of dating college women have reported experiencing violent or abusive behaviors from their partner. Additionally, 13 percent of college women report that they have been stalked, with 42 percent of these respondents stating that they were stalked by a boyfriend or ex-boyfriend. Sexual assault can also be considered a form of domestic violence, and one in five women across the country are assaulted during their college years. As we absorb the impact of these findings, it’s also worth noting that the data is all self-reported (so it may contain some exaggerated or unreliable information). Generally speaking, however, this information provides valuable insights into the prevalence of domestic violence across college campuses. Moreover, if you are accused of domestic violence as a college student in Los Angeles County, you will likely face serious consequences that jeopardize your future (and potentially your freedom).

Domestic Violence Issues for the Accused

In recent years, colleges and universities have imposed harsher penalties for students accused of domestic assault or domestic violence. Unfortunately, well-intentioned efforts to reduce incidents of domestic violence on college campuses have also negatively impacted those who have been falsely accused of these crimes. Even if no criminal charges are filed against the alleged abuser, they can still suffer severe consequences that carry long-lasting impacts. Most colleges and universities would rather expel or penalize students accused of domestic violence (even if they are innocent) than risk letting repeat abusers remain on campus. If someone has accused you of domestic violence or sexual assault, the school will likely launch a formal investigation into the allegations (handled either by a Tile IX department or the school’s Code of Conduct committee). If the investigation uncovers any evidence to support the allegations, the school will likely take disciplinary action against you. Depending on the specifics of your case, you may be suspended or expelled, either of which can end your academic career and damage your future career opportunities. It’s essential to recognize that the school has the right to make these decisions regardless of whether you are facing criminal charges.

Spreading Domestic Violence Awareness in Los Angeles County

By now, most colleges and universities offer several domestic violence prevention programs and provide domestic violence education in schools. However, these domestic violence awareness programs almost always focus exclusively on the steps survivors can take to report abusers and access the resources they need to feel safe on campus once more. As a result, students who are accused of domestic violence on campus often feel overwhelmed, confused, and alienated in the wake of such allegations. If someone has accused you of domestic violence in Los Angeles County, it’s essential to understand that you have legal rights and options. Below are just a few of the critical steps you can take to keep your future as bright as possible.

Contact a Highly Skilled and Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer

Even if you are not facing criminal charges, being accused of domestic violence on a college campus is a serious matter. California laws tend to protect the accuser, which means that exaggerated or baseless allegations can still cause irreparable damage to your reputation and academic career. Now is not the time to handle the situation on your own—contact a highly qualified Los Angeles County criminal defense attorney right away to discuss your legal options.

Document Everything and Try to Remain Calm

It’s natural to feel anxious and defensive when you learn of the accusations that have been leveled against you. Your first instinct may be to contact the accuser and ask them why they are making these allegations or to attempt to clear up the misunderstanding. Unfortunately, any effort to contact your accuser may be viewed as your attempt to silence or threaten them for coming forward. Instead, work with your criminal defense lawyer to gather documents, evidence, or witness statements that support your position or question the accuracy of the allegations made against you. Enlisting the support of a skilled defense attorney can provide guidance on navigating the legal complexities of domestic violence allegations, advocating for students’ rights, and developing effective defense strategies that aim to keep your future as bright as possible.

If you are facing domestic violence or assault charges in Los Angeles County, you need reliable and effective legal representation right away. Call Wegman & Levin today at (818) 980-4000 to arrange a free consultation with a highly qualified and experienced criminal defense attorney who will work hard to advocate for your best interests at every opportunity.

Michael M. Levin, Esq.

Michael M. Levin is an experienced attorney who has been in private practice as a criminal defense lawyer for over 25 years. He has conducted numerous jury trials in cases ranging from DUI to capital murder. Read More

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